time to blog
I ran out of time
I forgot what time it was
I meant to call but then I looked at the time
I simply had not enough time
I wish there was more time in the day
Where has the time gone?
I haven't the time but will try and fit you in later
and the the could go on until you know longer have the time to think of why time is so invaluable when it comes to human relations but accepted as the written rule of respecting another, when it is nothing more than a polite way of irrespecting another, meaning I had something better to do or had no reason or intent to follow through with our plans.
When it comes right down to it, time is nothing more than a great exaggeration, a master excuse, that people kindly or otherwise, accept as a reason when when truth be told, we all have time to do exactly what we want to do, not necessarily what we need to do but WANT to do and if we do not want to do it, time is an excuse and nothing more than an excuse.
Once in awhile I will get a call and its from someone spending 5 minutes telling me why there is not going to be enough time for us to talk today, going into a plethora of reasons as to why there is not enough time for us to talk, but we will try again some other day, finishing by wishing me well. Did they ever stop and think that 5 minutes they were explaining their 'time issues', we could have been talking? Or time could have been made for us to be talking later when all their issues were resolved?
Time has become and remains a polite way of blowing someone or something off for something they would rather do. It always ends or begins with, I have been thinking of you or You were so very much on mind mind and have been lately... Well, that takes time, right? Why not take that time and pick up the phone or jot a quick e-mail and say the same thing? At least the one person knows the time you say you are spending talking about worrying, thinking, wondering, etc. about you the other is taking place...not being consumed by their day and running out of something that is always there, just not at the right time,