serendipity (noun) a natural gift of making useful discoveries by accident; sagacity; Eric Scott Lane, a true warrior who lives with conviction and will be remembered as a visionary as he chronicles a life path of his TERMINAL ILLNESS that appeared with a vengence, unwelcomed and unwanted. It is about that which makes the human soul pure, LOVE, until the typing eventually stops and he returns to his creator.
happy birthday
After the ensuing cluster of storms rolling in from the West have passed and the ferocious howl of the winds have died down, the crackling of lightning replaced by the sounds of bullfrogs and chirping crickets, a dark cloud will linger overhead as today is not an ordinary day, nor should it be, as it is the birthday of Stephen, a comrade, a true confidante that completed his journey, prematurely, almost 16 years ago, finally letting go of that which plagued him, his battle with AIDS. And although I think of him and fondly of his name, never a day going by that he can nor would be forgotten as he taught me much about life over a short period of time, never thinking nor imagining that it all was for something, the completion of my journey with a different illness but many of the same fears, frustrations, hopes and dreams that he so eloquently and so nonchalantly shared with me over the period of several years and even longer until he was no longer able to communicate, often sending me a sign, something symbolic to remind me of his ever presence and place in my heart as well as my soul. A place that remains his through all the trials and tribulations life has brought, all the joys and the happiness and the learning that I now am doing , much of which he subconsciously taught me when I had no idea his teachings were to be so revered as sacred, to become everyday mantras of mine in one way or another way, some days simply to push myself mentally through the day and its bringing.
Often I think about the times we had and try frantically to remember the calmness of his voice, a voice that spoke the truth and commanded attention where ever he may be, a voice that spoke of spirituality and an afterlife, fine wine and fine authors, never one to judge but one to accept another as special in every right, in a manor in which many might find impossible to emulate and morals that are often only heard about in fairytales or stories of sainthood. Yes, he had his flaws but they were overlooked by me for I had no expectations nor he any for me as what was, was and accepted as truth.
Today as I grieve, I also smile for the honor, the privilege of knowing someone that taught me so much and left such an impact on my person, my core beliefs and subsided many of the fears I once thought never to be overcome...
...Until we meet again Stephen, until we shall meet again, Happy Birthday.
just a simple young man full of texasTALLtales that wants to be a rock-star and fly fish in montana with hip-high waiters, dry cigarettes and an unbroken bottle of aged port.
"my world is my playground, my canvas, and this my color wheel. A way to create, express and ponder as I walk about and sense my surroundings through my mind's eye.
Energy is constant and ever changing and sometimes colors muddy, but more often than not, in my world, a piece is complete. This is MY process, MY memory and MY gift. SERENDIPITY2006: the only piece that will remain incomplete
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