
Pictographic Divider

greener grass

I have always found that when you allow the mind to wander and wander too far from the here and now it often are the reflections that enter the mind that create a type of havoc, an uncertainty that can be felt, physically, emotionally and spiritually too.

Often it creeps up on you as it did me, without warning but as a remembrance, something seen in the present that reminded me of something done in the past and like the building of the thunderclouds I was watching, the reflection(s) I had created were awe inspiring, bringing a degree of sadness to something, to a time that all of a sudden appeared much greener than it truly was but the comparison being made just the same, causing me to have to stop,
and alter my train of thought, knowing it was creating damage.

I was no longer living in the here and now but was drifting much like the clouds I was focused visually upon, the intensity of my thoughts impacting my physical well being, my mood and my desire or wish that I was part of the experience again, an experience that I had portrayed as green, greener than when the experience took place as the shades of green were being altered due to the uneasiness of what my future holds and how I currently feel.