
Pictographic Divider

thank you, sincerely.

this morning I am more confident in my commitment to explain the thinking,
in the mind of one,
being me,
'actively dying'.

I write this for as I ponder, I am certain that the lack of knowledge and understanding of a thought process, often misunderstood and ignored, creates a misunderstanding and demands many I have learned, to apologize and THINK of what or how a situation should have been.

I am writing about situations that happen, hour by hour, day by day as a direct result of one's inability to conceptualize mortality. It leads to many I am sorrys, what I should have said is, what I really was thinking was, if only I would have thought, had a known you were thinking that I would have and silence and surface chat, but lots of silence...

And IGNORANCE because of the lack of rules,
and the territory so uncharted hails many,
too many for my liking,
having to admit that they cannot get 'it'.

Even as they speak empathy and compassion, they simply are not there and thus, as comfortable as they my appear because of a job title or a want to assist another, the only way of truly knowing is to, unfortunately, be directly affected and that direct affect can only be felt by one person, the indirect affections leaving room for much discussion, debate and alone time.

As I blog I watch as the colors of 'acompletepiece' change and I am thankful for the form it takes with the help of others thoughts, comments, actions and reading and
that as difficult as it is to explain, in detail, or in abstract, many, very many, find an interest in knowing what it feels like, that place where they too must someday go, an interest not out of selfishness, but out of reason.

I applaud the critics, the believers, the patriots and the informed for allowing me simply to create. Never, when I presented my colors, never, did I believe I would see so many shades, so quickly and so vivid...and for this I write on,
as you read on and with humility, I thank you.


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