
Pictographic Divider

friday 12.05

Like a bottle of tide, unscented ofcourse, I too am 'new and improved'. I already feel the ironies advancing to the tip of my tongue, as I think: 'new and improved'. Improved to a thin something and my clothes are cheaper because I can shop in the young men's section, although usually I am too tall, but still fashion does come a calling, you never know who is going to knock at the front door, and yesterday it did and I 'looked' good.

New in attitude as I am more likely to tell you how I think because my verbiage takes on a greater purpose, conviction in my voice. I have a lot to say and intend to say it as long as there is a willful listener and while I am discussing it, sometimes the listener is not listening and I know that, but my thoughts continue and so do my words.

Improved for I no longer, to the extent anyway, am going to allow myself to sit in judgment and abuse of those that believe if they talk a little louder and sound of greater knowledge that they are more for the apt to a sway of opinion. I give in because I desire to avoid conflict or just am not particularly interested in the story, period.

New for I was a forced change and had to experience resolution to a topic most will not speak about in conversation. It, like politics and religion has many opinions but it, the topic of mortality, frightens even the most schooled and well traveled to the point that other than on the nightly news, it is rarely brought into fruition, and never over fine wine and good food, to my knowledge.

Improved for my ability to live in the here and now as so much energy is spent simply digesting food, I do not have the strength and stamina to think further. My thought is most definitely out of the box, and my chatter still constant, the level at which I focus is only refined and this simply pleases me.

But underneath the 'new and improved' there is no change, only a steep learning curve. The bottle and the basic formula that forms a foundation remains the same, as it always did. And I still command attention, only with more force of conviction and need to find completion.


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