
Pictographic Divider

thursday 11.05

With malice and forethought a noble opponent speaks and his chatter, like a critics, is read, sorted and tossed. For that is what he chose for me. It is his stage, and although he has been booed before, he himself does the booing for ignorance is bliss. So I toast to you Michael and salute you and thank you and bless you for times had, the money spent, you loved the money, and your total disregard for another. Drink up old comrade and I will buy you another. Why not, I have in the past. And soon I will leave you to deal with your dealings, to fight your fights, to wallow in your self proclaimed 'pit of misfortune' as you so eloquently do. I wish you only the best and will find you a material something as a remembrance of your heroic deeds, your genuity, your brethren. And next time I will forward you a bottle of morphine, for you are pained too and you may wash it down with a Christian Brother's shot for that is what we did, and I will laugh and you will laugh and you will leave for the keg is tapped and I will remove myself from your stage and allow Michael to just be Michael. Cheers to old faithful!

This is an e-mail I received from, Michael, a brother of sorts, younger, who I earleir took on my dream and invited, as I did many others, to experience the gift I leave:

why not be humble...the eternal question? why not recognize how much you've depended on other people for the better part of your life? why not let that shine? always have to be something better than the rest of the fools? always up looking down, trying to convince us that you are the poor, innocent victim?...

...the great eric has breathed life once again through a "blog"?????...damn you. selfish to the end. your right...that chapter is closed. I wish you love my old friend.

you can do a self portrait anyway you want. why not a true one?? don't try to con your friends. even at the end!!! give the part you can't!!! be free!!! we love that!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog several times a day. I know that provides no comfort to you...but it does to me. How selfish of me, huh?

If I were close by I would give you a ride to the airport myself.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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11:00 PM  

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