
Pictographic Divider

2009 is here as am I

I lay down at or around 6pm hoping for an hour maybe a half of shut eye, thinking I would stay up and usher in the New Year. I rolled over and saw it was 11:15 pm and it was an incoming text that caught my attention. Quickly I put my coats on, took the medication 2 hours past due and headed outside and did usher in the New Year... no fireworks, champagne or even sparkling cider, just a mind full of thoughts and wondering where and what all those whom I have spent New Year's past might be tonight...

Happy New Year. 2009, it already has a ring to it but I have more important things to think about and celebrating was not even a thought of mine, instead it is my life and knowing my journey is so near the end that the idea of a New Year sounds good, an accomplishment at the least, something I thought I would not, well, hear or see and for this I am grateful and will for ever be...

Tomorrow I will awaken as I always do and nothing drastic will have changed, or so I say. I will be a little weaker but my spirits will remain high, after all, to think or be different is to quit and this is something I chose not to do long, long ago. I can reflect on what was but that serves me no purpose. Instead I will walk forward, keep moving and travel light as I have been taught.

The mere idea so embedded in my spirit and person I can see it clearly, me, walking with a purpose and walking steadfast toward and to something as the day to day remains on the sides, both sides, my eyes concentrating on my final destination and what might lie ahead.


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