
Pictographic Divider

We watched the full moon, all bundled up, my dog grabbing her ball and dancing around like a Palomino Pony and I laughed and smiled as she once again kept life simple and thus my thoughts simple as well. I listened to the silence the full moon brought and the howling of the wolves that followed as Ashley's ears perked up and she moved closer to me, listening and watching intently as the sound grew.

The owls made their distinctive 'who, who' and the ducks could be heard on the pond, ducks I thought had flown South for the Winter as if I had wings I certainly would find a spot warmer than Texas and never look back.

I came in to learn that this was a special full moon, the largest of the year and no full moon is actually full as the path the moon takes is not round but more oblong and to actually have a true full moon, there would be a total eclipse each and every month...


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