
Pictographic Divider

I called the doctor's office about one week and two days ago complaining of my back and the clamp like pain that was radiating from side all the way across. I could wait no longer and although I thought I had experience something similar before, I knew I needed this looked at, diagnosed properly and hopefully, treated.

Being the diagnostician that I am, I thought I knew what he would say, what he might prescribe and away with my day I would try to go. Wrong was I ever. In examining me he found five (5) stress fractures on and around the spine and the way it was explained, fairly simple, left more reason for deep concern for him and for me.

Imagine a stack of boxes all piled up and someone takes one of the boxes from the middle of the pile, the boxes fall. That is how he explained what is happening with my body structure. There no longer is enough mass to support the frame itself and thus, the fractures, the excruciating pain and as my illness progresses, the condition will become more and more acute.

We spoke of quality of life, the end nearing as it was sadly written on his face and I felt it but still, I tried to keep my attitude positive and hopes high as I watch my energy level slip even further, my spirit linger elsewhere and my resolution, once so valiant and strong, now struggling for mere survival.


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