
Pictographic Divider


As I rolled over and out on my winter gear, scarf and all, and allowed Ashley Marie to lead the way to the door in which she needed to be free of in order to complete her nightly ritual of playing ball and going to the bathroom,

I could not help but wonder if the euphoria I was starting to feel as I awakened and started my walk to the door, my legs becoming like noodles, my mind wandering off into strange lands, hearing strange noises, my breathing heavy, my eyes heavier, was not from the sugar high I was experiencing for munching on a dark chocolate heart or was it the encephalopathy, ( the toxins from what I ate rushing to my brain as the liver is too sick to process them currently or possibly at all).

And I quickly realized it was the later and not the chocolate heart and thus I knew my body was weakening at a faster rate but refusing to watch as the sand rushes toward the bottom of the hour glass, I refuse to look and am able to pretend for the rest of the evening that it was sugar and that the lights of tomorrow would flash before my eyes when I turned over to awaken, hopefully to warmth and a ray of sunshine,
my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I missed your call and you have been on my mind and in my are you?

Love always..LLR

7:51 PM  

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