
Pictographic Divider

friday 11.08

My thoughts are not so pierced, my tongue less curt now that I have been 're' admitted to the house after inadvertently locking myself out sometime after 5am this morning. And the fact that I watched the lights flicker on in the master bathroom and they remained on for a period of time past my liking did nothing to comfort my situation. Having taken 2 diuretics, as directed and morphine only made the craving and more specifically, need, to use the bathroom that much more difficult and ah yes, frustrating.

No different then when I ride in a car and 'have to go', I had to go stronger and longer as I knew the possibility did exist, but the embarrassment and notion of going in my shorts kept me focused toward my goal of being noticed outside and ah yes, locked out.

Thankfully I was dressed and did not wander the alley barefoot and bare chested with boxer shorts as a neighbor down the way seems to do almost nightly to the point that it sparks laughter and head shaking amongst those that have observed him.

I thank the fact that I thought for some odd reason to depart with my lighter and my smokes were left on the back patio table, so after climbing a fence I was able to sit and blow signals, unseen, but signals that represented my frustration and sign of help.

Upon sun up, and the rise was nothing to write about, I wished for my glasses but on a list of many wishes they certainly were not the first nor were they the last. It is Friday and my weekend has begun with stories and style, all slightly after 7am.


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