About Me
- Name: the warrior
- Location: dallas, texas, United States
just a simple young man full of texasTALLtales that wants to be a rock-star and fly fish in montana with hip-high waiters, dry cigarettes and an unbroken bottle of aged port.
blogs with substance
- junkmailforblankets
- explodingdog 2006
- stardustholiday
- to-do list
- i guess i'm floating
- johnny goes to college
- dreamers, liars, and tellers of tale talls
- I have a name
- pouring down
- my life with bad english
- kick to the head
- foods that heal
- life is good.
Previous Posts
- ktla
- touched by technology
- thank you, sincerely.
- saturday 13.05
- bleeding red
- seeing orange
- friday 12.05
- I wanted to take a minute to let you know how much...
- thursday 11.05
- a curve ball
"my world is my playground, my canvas, and this my color wheel. A way to create, express and ponder as I walk about and sense my surroundings through my mind's eye. Energy is constant and ever changing and sometimes colors muddy, but more often than not, in my world, a piece is complete. This is MY process, MY memory and MY gift. SERENDIPITY2006: the only piece that will remain incomplete

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
My disease has rooted and taken hold and continues to grow. There is no cure, only hope and pure will as I remain terminal, await the call of a higher power telling me to surrender my soul and am labeled end stage 'actively dying' by the medically gifted professionals that have and continue to surround me. I have many questions, no regrets and know, my purpose has meaning in the here and now and the hereafter, agreed upon before and possibly again. And whatever the outcome and when the conclusion and final brush stroke is laid to rest, I will remain a memory, a chosen one until eternity or until someone tells mortal souls different. There are no rules and there are no directions. This is not a dress rehearsal. This is my life as I know it today, yesterday and tomorrow. It simply is.
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