
Pictographic Divider

calling all photographers

I was thinking, that maybe collaboratively you would be willing to do a piece with me.

You have the camera and I am the 40 year old that is actively dying. Seriously, I think pictures of the dying process, in taste of course, would be unique and definitely something that those around me might enjoy. I know I want to see the slow ‘spiral downward’ that others talk about when they view me, why not have someone capture IT on film and chronologically, the photos could be assembled so that a determination can be made as to whether or not a decline is stagnant, imminent, image altering or my outer shell continues to remain the same, retrospective to how I feel of course and what the hospice nurses tell me, and I do ask frequently.

It would give me a perfect vantage point. That of knowing how I feel on the inside and seeing how I feel from the outside, by looking and I have thought of looking in the mirror, but that idea just seems so mundane when it is put-in with the scenario of everything else that is called my life right now. inquire directly


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