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goodbye NORTON

I locked myself out of my mind today, figuratively, but locked myself out just the same and spent more than a few minutes trying to decipher the code so that I could re-enter what I had created. Finally, after three tries, I gave up and decided my only option was to delete the program.

So when you look in the treasures others throw out, 'dumpster diving', a pretty cool concept that gets too little airplay, look for,

and you MAY have,
I would be honored,
my copy of Norton Password Manager. Give it a good home, as I tried, but maybe since I never did read about it, nor really cared what its responsibility was, the month or two of pure neglect caught up with me, and IT rejected me and by rejecting me, It temporarily, took my mind and all the codes I fed it as my mind could not remember. And by not remembering, Norton laid claim and left me no other option but to CAN it.

If you received a comment back from me this morning and it does not appear to be me, it was not. It was Norton, and for him and from me, WE apologize.



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