
Pictographic Divider

incomplete sentences

I went and asked my father, why did I ask him?, where my mother went and he replied:

'She went to the Cinco de Mayo thing'.
'the what in the hell?'
'the cinco de Mayo, you know, the big rally.'
'No, I do not, what are you talking about, do you know where my mother is? Did she leave?'
'well didn't you see your mother this morning?'
'didn't you ask your mother where she was going this morning?'
'no I did not, that is why I am asking you.'
'Well, I know where she went and someone is at the door. It is a truck, Fed Ex and it must be more of your medication.'
'are YOU (again) taking about immigration? Why would MY mother go to an imigration rally?
Thank you, do I need to sign for that?'
(silence) 'Have a good day!'
' she didn't, but today's the day.'
'oh for fuck's sakes, I need to breathe a cigarette. Ashley, let's go...'



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