
Pictographic Divider

tuesday 19.06

Today I said good bye to brilliance and it was unexpected and rather tough to do. But it was done and no question is left that I am more learned for the experiences I have had. My PCP is leaving Dallas and I am convinced that his wealth of knowledge has played one hell of a role in keeping me alive up to this point.

And just like the brilliance he represents, the next part of his journey involves Native Americans, their medical care, their dialect and his becoming a physician to care for them. Those our government left to die and slowly, they are.

So he will not get to be with me through my journey's end, but the alternative is so something that I envy, something that is much larger than me.

Its with this remembrance I say thank you to Dr. Childs, wishing only that I could be here to watch his journey played out, but from a far, I will.


Blogger kj said...

oh jeez. no doubt this is a huge loss for you. you are noble in your well wishes. it'll work out. it's good you know this.

take care,

12:01 AM  

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