
Pictographic Divider

sunday 17.06

It was quite the nice day, not even the sporadic downpours and thunder dampening the mood that was created this Father's Day. If anything, it gave another reason to grab a few weeks as the house began slowly to smell from Italian food, my father's request and quite possibly his favorite.

It was his day and he knew it. The smells, the conversation and sometimes the humor helped to give him what he desired, a day with those in the immediate family who were able to be with him this year.

It was beyond obvious I was exhausted, having started preparation for meatballs on Friday night, almost my way of teasing the taste buds that surrounded us all, a symbol of things to come.

I thought I would fall fast asleep as I feel how tired I truly was, leaving me to sleep little and type more. And occasionally, when I least expected it, I found myself taking slumber in several mysterious places, no plans for a sleep, but accepted as a necessity until even my bed started calling my name...


Blogger Fox's Mom said...

My phone jack fried in October '06, and I've just been able to get back online in the privacy of my home (bosses are funny about what one looks at during lunch).

I came straight here. I am glad to see the update written in true Warrior fashion.

I thought a lot about you while I was offline.


7:43 PM  

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