
Pictographic Divider

A response to my 'feeling navy blue'

and in that same breath I can tell you that you are a child of God who was created to bring joy and laughter into this world. You are a creative genius of not only the written word, but your mastery of color and design on canvas expresses to the universe a part of Eric for all to see.

worthy of this world, I should say so...! Your contribution as a friend and confidant cannot be replaced by anyone. Your humor and wit, in times of sorrow and dispair, are priceless. Your laughter infectious.

your willingness to see the beauty in all that's ugly is the eye of a master.

do not sell yourself short.

do not let those around you take your soul away from you before God does. YELL if you have to and make them hear you.

They WILL miss you and when you're gone they will have so much guilt. and I only pray that you leave a note that cuts them to the bone so they know that it was THEY who killed you, not your illness.

IF I could take your illness away, you know I would in a second. but I can't. I can only offer you my love and support. and I hope you know that even as your heart aches I AM with you...!

You're never alone.

Your Soul Sister


Blogger Fox's Mom said...

Ditto, what she said, and said so well.

Eric, I am glad you have a place to express the frustration, confusion, anger even, at what you are enduring. Reading your posts can be alarming for those who care for Eric The Warrior even though we should understand the need to vent. Don't stop being honest with your readers to spare us worry-a little worry reminds us we can still care:)

I just wish, like Soul Sister, that I could do more.

Peace, Bianca

6:43 PM  

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