
Pictographic Divider


This morning I started Fentynl, in place of Morphine LA and the purpose, I hear a distant drumroll, is to TRY, with the emphasis on the T the R and especially the Y to lessen the sea saw, completely out of balance, up one minute and down the next, to balance out my symptoms so that my body will be faked into believing that it is functioning normally, what ever normal might be. This process in itself is an experiment and given that the dosage this time is correct, I am hoping that the effect will be less symptoms over a longer period of time, give or take every seventy-two hours instead of every four.

So, the initial dose has me lethargic and sleepy, to be expected, so I lay and think, which sometimes is detrimental to a mind that simply does not know how to turn off anyway.


Blogger kj said...

this is very clear and beautifully written.

i can't figure why you do not comment...?

11:39 PM  

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