
Pictographic Divider


I have an aversion and thought this aversion was to children only to find out that it is a screaming ten year old girl that bothers me. The Brittany Spears and Kelly Clarkson wanna be mentality and the color of pink no longer frighten me nor do dolls. The boys talking about doing a 'kick flip pop shoves it' on a skateboard and getting judged for their vocabulary as much as their tricks, humors me but the screaming sours the entire adventure that a child brings. And still when I here the lecture, thirdhand, of a mother talking capitalism to a mere six year old when he comments that spilt coffee looks like vomit and she professes that nothing in life is black and white and he questions her about movies I am forced to bust a gut. Its the constant, everyday, out of control in the house even though it is across the backyard screaming that forces me off the train and back into a hermit like state in my head. It simply put is head trauma.


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