
Pictographic Divider

thursday 01.06

This being the first day of the sixth month of the sixth year of this next millennium, I find it more than appropriate to thank all of those that have taken the time to visit acompletepiece, read it, scorn at it and recommend its reading to others. I never thought, nor really cared that a number as large as what is posted at the bottom of my every page would account for viewings, even if some or most are consistent readers and readership is welcomed, although not demanded or focused upon. As they say, if, in your mind, I throw you lemons, you are free to make lemonade.

acompletepiece GIVES me an outlet, to place my thoughts, MY THOUGHTS, as I go through my life path, my experience 'actively dying' and as I started, I continue to state that no one gave me rules on how to do this or what to say.
There is no right and there is no wrong, it simply is. MY perceptions are different and MY thoughts are different and this is what allows me to be an individual.

I have learned I am a warrior and I do have a tribe, a nameless tribe that is gaining faces.
I have a number and I have thoughts, genuine, thoughts on the process I am living.

And, with your encouragement, positive and negative, I will continue until I no longer am physically able, at which time, acompletepiece is finished, never complete and my sword has been dropped, my armor, tarnished and dented, lifted and my soul, freed.

Thank you completely, sincerely and with the utmost respect,

eric scott lane
the warrior


Blogger Ben said...

Proud member of the tribe returning home, after being briefly sojourned.

I've decided that until this blog is finished, it is a decidedly an INCOMPLETE piece, that I do hope offers you a complete peace.

2:10 PM  

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