
Pictographic Divider

status report

A week or two days have past since I tried to capture the feelings I was going through, in the moment, as I battle my disease. My body is less for the wear and tear and I still feel residual of tuesday, a residual I wish to place behind me as the past, a distant past. Today the nurses arrive and I will learn my resolve and although I do not look well and it is obvious to even the untrained eye that my health has temporarily tumbled, I get back up, take out my guitar and strum C to G and back again to the dislike or amazement of the assortment of dogs watching in the foreground.

The nurse provided me with no more comfort except the challenge is now before me to make a decision to postpone my trip to New Mexico as my body sports two infections and is not battling either well, thus, the decision is made, the formality and realization that another intension has been placed on extended hold most definitely is bothersome. I did not go to New Mexico, a wise decision, but gut wrenching with its meaning just the same.


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