serendipity (noun) a natural gift of making useful discoveries by accident; sagacity; Eric Scott Lane, a true warrior who lives with conviction and will be remembered as a visionary as he chronicles a life path of his TERMINAL ILLNESS that appeared with a vengence, unwelcomed and unwanted. It is about that which makes the human soul pure, LOVE, until the typing eventually stops and he returns to his creator.
onion man
I was asked to water the neighbor's tomato plants while they took some much needed vacation time. I did. Last night the neighbor called to ask if I had planted two onions in his flower bed in the back, on the table. I didn't, so I said no and laughed, "onions? You have onions in the flowers?'" 'yeah, and the kids think it is hysterical and they were all wound up trying to figure out how they had gotten there and I told them, Eric did it and they replied, "yeah it would be just like your friend to do that" and they continued to laugh.' "But I have only met them less than a moment in time if even that and they are so young, why would they?..." 'you are the hero around here now. They thought it was truly the coolest thing ever so just know you are the onion man.' "I will wear the title with pleasure. This is harmless right?" 'yeah, if you like to be adorn. I sure would keep the title. They are hard to impress and love it.'
I like the new color--I like how you suck the reader into how you feel, what you see, and then emote them back out again, like drawing a breath, and billowing out a puff of smoke.
Today's word verification of the day: puhzeek
Not really a word, is it. More like a very awkward sneeze, like when your mouth is full.
just a simple young man full of texasTALLtales that wants to be a rock-star and fly fish in montana with hip-high waiters, dry cigarettes and an unbroken bottle of aged port.
"my world is my playground, my canvas, and this my color wheel. A way to create, express and ponder as I walk about and sense my surroundings through my mind's eye.
Energy is constant and ever changing and sometimes colors muddy, but more often than not, in my world, a piece is complete. This is MY process, MY memory and MY gift. SERENDIPITY2006: the only piece that will remain incomplete
I like the new color--I like how you suck the reader into how you feel, what you see, and then emote them back out again, like drawing a breath, and billowing out a puff of smoke.
Today's word verification of the day: puhzeek
Not really a word, is it. More like a very awkward sneeze, like when your mouth is full.
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