
Pictographic Divider


I have changed my palette as all artists do as I believe my words are strong enough to evoke a color and this gives me more time to concentrate on a thought and leave the reader more time to associate a word or phrase or group of words to a color that is my vision.

I learned once or maybe three times that much of the population is color blind and this too I have been finding to be true as comments have been steadily arriving via e-mail telling me that some color cannot be seen, but the written word is assumed powerful. A palette change is respectful to this fact.

And sarcastically, a palette change announces that I have been labeled jaundice, although I do not see it and joke of the condition often. It now appears in black and white in medical documentation and the days of asking and questioning are over and the wondering of what jaundice is or does can be put to rest and the remainder I will write about as long as I am willing and able and there are words to be spoken or written for that matter. I say it is the carrot juice I drink and my eyes are clear, but unfortunately, my laughter is perceived as denial, which I question, acknowledge and grin at.

My eyes truly are clear which is somewhat puzzling to most and a blessing to me.


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