
Pictographic Divider

I tried to slumber but actually am having a difficult night sleeping. It has been more fun sitting outside and smoking grit after grit and listening to the calls of nature, the survival of the species as a wail is heard from the distance, a piercing wail that signifies a fight and from the screeching and howling it was nothing pretty, but gruesome, too gruesome to witness I do believe, as the strong survived and the weak were silenced after putting up a pretty damn good fight that lasted over a half an hour or so.

Hearing all this while watching the clouds dace over the brightness of a night’s less than full moon only intensified the situation and made me think and wonder until it bothered me as I knew something, something that was cherishing a day ago was no gone, part of the universe.

But I understood that this is life in the animal kingdom and that we too are animals, just failing to realize our place in this vast universe we call home for now…



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