
Pictographic Divider

friday 28.04

I tell the story of the trees today, oak I think, and speak of energy, knowing that during the winter a tree goes dormant, appears dead but blossoms in the spring, showing a new growth with renewed texture, standing tall as it signals the change of the blow wind. The energy in the tree is constant and changes only to reappear in a different form season after season. And then I wonder about the single tree I notice out of my peripheral vision that is different. It has no new growth, appears frail and weak and upon closer examination, is dead. A question arises and I have no answer. Where did the energy from this frail tree, the dead tree go? Is it fertilizer for the soil? Is it split into pieces by another human, to frail to stand on its own so now rats and squirrels will call it a new abode? Is it kindling to create warmth for the next winter season? Is it fuel for the elements of nature to cause a fire? Is it food for the beetles and spiders and roaches and ants and bacteria to feed off of or is it simply gone...

And as I glance back at the tree again I do not ask why this tree, but understand it takes energy to answer my probing questions, energy my body must now conserve...


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