
Pictographic Divider

So Michelle asked me one day, when my mind was spinning and there were more questions than answers, and too many tests and I lay curled up in pain, bloated from fluid and fear, what she could do to make me feel better and I told her just asking was more than I needed. She was concerned and saw, through her past experience as a caretaker, the need to comfort and mother and befriend. She contacted her friend Matthew, who did not know me, but was told of my plight and Matthew and Michelle allowed me to escape, for a day, and just be, with the dolphins, my thoughts, my awe and their time and money spent. I felt a connection and a lifetime of worry lifted and I knew my purpose was large and although I never forgot my disease, I escaped from behind it and removed my mask and shared who I was, in detail, with Matthew and Michelle at discovery cove, florida..in tow by a dolphin on her terms and my comfort.
eric and sharky


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