
Pictographic Divider

G-D is a paradox

On January 17, 2006 at 9:23PM, Submissions wrote:

Dear Eric Scott Lane
Thank you so much for your letter. It means so much to us to know that Rett has a positive impact beyond his life on earth. I am so sorry to hear of your illness, and we will remember you in our prayers. God may not cure you, but he will walk with you through the journey, and can bring moments of great joy out of the pain. May you abide in his peace and love.
Dana Nearburg
On January 16, 2006 at 3:13PM eslane wrote:

16 January, 2006

Charles and Dana Nearburg,

You do not know me nor did I know your son. I was not a friend nor a mere acquaintance. I read about your son in this Saturday's Dallas paper, which itself is a rarity, as I am not one who is known to read the paper, let alone the section pertaining to a Memoriam. However, something, that deep place inside we go for comfort, begged not only to read about your son, but experience his website.

What an awe inspiring visual and emotional display of works, thoughts and remembrances. After finishing, I felt I have known your son, from a spiritual place and I felt and feel a connection. One deeper than being an artist (abstract figuratism, mixed media on canvas and paper) and one beyond having a distant relative teach at MICA. One deeper than residing in Dallas and one deeper than recently returning home to be with family while I battle a terminal illness. It is one that re-confirms my belief that G-d is a paradox.

I was sent to Rett's site for a purpose and thoroughly enjoyed you and yours allowing me to experience a part of your son's life, his thoughts and his creations, both good and bad. What an interesting way to display a remembrance. It is powerful and speaks to the soul. I have been spoken to.

With great honor and respect,

Eric Scott Lane


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