
Pictographic Divider


This morning I sat in the yard, turning my chair to face the rising, east sun. Forgetting my sunglasses, I took away the blind first by covering my hat with the hood of my sweatshirt, the cold still piercing through my five layers as I watch the dew on the lawn sparkle, Ashley with her NEW red ball looking more like a half back for an NFL team than a retriever and the smoke plow its way toward the heavens.

Later I blocked the brightness with a hat.

I closed my eyes only knowing it was time to throw the ball when I felt it knock into my left thigh, Ashley's mussel always finding a way to dart past the touch of my skin. Amsterdam in February...possible. I thought of my day wishing I too 'could meet someone on first avenue in New York'. I sat and listened to Dead Can Dance and wanted the circus I cannot recall. I listened and listened and finally conceded to the sting of the December air. A little more rested and feeling alright...


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