
Pictographic Divider

monday 03.07

I started the day with panic, sheer panic and the pain and the tingle ran from the blood of my fingernails on the right to the callus of my left toe. My head pounded, my mind frayed, my thoughts jumbled, my heart thumping faster than that of a rabbit in heat No explanation and no deductive reasoning could explain the phenomenon that internally transpired.

Now having rested and still appearing anxious, I am able to write short thoughts about the terror possibly self inflicted from sleep deprivation or sun stroke.

Endorphins flew and I could not catch them in motion but I felt their presence and do not welcome their visit any time later than now. My breath stopped for a moment and I fell hard on a bruised ego and a leg.
The rush was real, unexpected and unwelcomed and embraced as my own as I try to prevent another start day the same tomorrow and there after.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's sad to me that the sun, so necessary for life, causes such misery...but it's like most things over indulged.
I'm thinking of you blogfather and wondering how I will ever write anything in a blog worthy of you.

1:32 AM  

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