
Pictographic Divider

spirit dancing

I left for Albuquerque with little expectation and this I am proud of as the journey, now finished, feels complete, done. The city was awe inspiring and simple and the combination left for an imagination run wild.

I did feel the indirect pressure that my illness places on another and in turn, me and the awareness frightened me more than the religion so unwanted and thrown down my throat.

The feelings were real feelings and the consequence of my seen before reality damaged me with physical ramifications of exhaustion, body pains, bloat and wonder. The fact that there was no air conditioning only complicated my situation and made me think of a home.

The feelings, no longer suppressed, have heightened my awareness of the known importance of the word NO, proper rest, dignity, and mortality not by want, but by my body's need.

I did not pay homage to Jehovah's mess. I sat in solace and paid respect for self and otherwise out of comfort, believe and knowledge, of my experience, my truth and my ability to feel it proud and silent as I 'witnessed' spirit dancing in place of a bunch of words that spoke hatred and immaturity, the thought still making me cringe.


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