
Pictographic Divider

thursday 18.05

The birds sing through out the night and the wasps fly, lawns are cut and watered and the clothes that I see in the magazines represent changing of season and soon, with all its glory, summer will shine bright. There will be time for picnics, a midnight stroll to a lake or even an atypical all nighter of deep conversation if so chosen. It is a time of the year which I truly love, but in Texas, this too will be different and welcomed.

Change is once again upon us and the life that breathes around and throughout only feeds more energy, positive energy, to me and all other sentient beings and the energy is contagious and wanted and makes me dance and laugh and smile and kick the can through the ally and count to one hundred and thirty one before opening my eyes and looking around for others.

The food is lighter, the produce is fresher, neighbors are more neighborly, attendance declines at the work place and reruns plague the television, forcing many to invest time elsewhere, and this too is a good thing. I even watch as I change cookery, the little I brought, as the difference demands brighter color, more color as my palette craves a well balanced variety of cold dishes and pastas. I think of the song 'summertime' and here the rasp as she sings to me and I sip on a sun tea, decaffeinated of course full of passion flower, rosebud, lavender and raspberry. My clothes smell fresh, my mind sharpens and my birthday, another birthday, almost around the corner.


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