
Pictographic Divider

he is you

Someone said, take him by the hand and guide him, he is yours, in fact, he is you. Do not tell him for he will not understand that, but he is you. Do not try to protect him anymore than you would try to protect yourself. Allow him to grow and knowing what you know now, change him where appropriate, but remember he will fight you, for his map was map was predestined and any change will not only alter him but all things around him, ALL THINGS.

You may tell him what you wish and although he will not understand, someday he will remember. Spend as much time with him as you want or as little as you want, just remember once you enter his life, he will depend on you. Once you give him something he will offer something in return and a thank you from him to you will not be good enough for him. He will want to give more and will not understand when you refuse him. He will give you the look of rejection and contemplate as only a grown up can and YOU will feel what he is feeling, only worse because you can understand it too well. Shower him with material things, all youm wish to bestow upon him but just know he will pick and choose as you did and sometimes his choice may not be yours, for he might be his own person, where and when you were not. Be gentle with him and he will treat you the same.

And most important, love him unconditionally, because it is this, love, he will yearn for always, search for until a last gasp of air has been breathed, and fight to have, simply.



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