
Pictographic Divider


it is with joy and wisdom and pure love that I invite you to share my vision with me as 'we' walk down my life path. I am resolute that purpose is more than a word, heaven more than a dream and energy remains constant, only changes form. It is with great thought and intention I allow you and yours to view my mantras... some chapters closed, some just beginning and others left incomplete as I face the inevitable fate before me, and prepare, too soon I think and accepted just the same, my afterlife, chosen before I arrived, agreed upon by the one who, in this world, is called eric, enrique, son, brother, friend, mentor, gifted and other words I choose not to share out of self-respect and personal dignity. I have embraced my illness, fought a worthy opponent and finally surrendered to that which I could not control, my own destiny. To those who have shared their hopes and dreams, their time, the comradary and their friendship I thank you. For those who 'knew', I say nothing, but embrace you with love and for those of you that tried and failed, I forgive you as I forgive myself for having the greatest of intentions, but knowing I could not be all things to all people all the time...


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